Regardless of how commitment phobic I've become, I'm going to take the leap. ... and NO I'm not getting involved again (sorry to my matchmaking friends and family).
Often, until you tell other people about something, you aren't completely committed to follow through with it. Maybe that's why couples invite everyone they know to witness their exchange of vows. Occasionally they need someone to remind them that they promised "till death do us part." This is kind of one of those things, only on a much smaller scale.
I'm on a quest to create a "healthier me." That's my commitment. Not to be a size 0 or run 15 miles; simply to be healthier. Maybe it's strange that I'm announcing it like this but I really need my friends and family to encourage me and keep me accountable. So, now I'm committed! If God can change me on the inside, I can certainly change me on the outside :o)