Tuesday, June 27, 2006

First Date - Update

For all of those who are curious... I haven't heard from my "online friend" since the date. In my mind, it sends a pretty clear message. Considering our hours of prior communication, it would be very courteous of him to at least call.
Regardless of my disappointment over the fact that the relationship didn't continue, my life has been changed by our friendship. He helped me to see what a selfless man my age behaves like. Getting to know him also helped me to realize that there are men who share my interests, my passions, and also similar insecurities. In fact, most people walk around "broken" in some way and it is through those imperfections that God connects us on a deeper level.
As far as first dates go; my advice to all is 1) immediately plan a second date if you're even somewhat interested in the person. If your nerves do get in the way of the first date, hopefully by the second date you'll be a little more comfortable. 2) Pick something fun that you both enjoy. It may have helped to keep things casual/natural and alleviated some of the nervous energy. We should have gone fishing...
Although my communication with this particular person is seemingly over, good has come from the experience. No regrets! Just a stepping stone in the path of life...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It's time - Update 1

(okay so this picture is bad but it's the most current one I have)
While I generally avoid the scale like the plague, I took a risk and stepped on it last night. I figured since I've committed to becoming healthier, I should take a peek. I'm glad I did... It's great encouragement! Hawaii bikini(s), here I come :o) Okay, so that's cheesy, but I'm excited about meeting my goal.
It's encouraged me to become more dedicated to my daily fitness routine. Surprisingly, I was more committed throughout the winter. Once the weather warmed up, I convinced myself I'd continue my routine outdoors and could ditch the pricey gym membership. I went from a daily 1 hour aerobic workout and weight routine to a 3-day a week cardio "attempt." While I've lost weight going the lazy route, I keep thinking how much more I could have accomplished had I been more willing to part with my cash.
So anyway, back to the gym I go... If only they'd splurge for a little air conditioning :o)
Thanks for the support! Please keep cheering me on...

Monday, June 19, 2006

First Date Jitters...

So cluing many of you in... In March I met this great guy online. After emailing for several weeks and spending countless hours on the phone, we decided to meet face to face. Last night we had our first "date"... A scary concept at first :o)
Anyway, what a gentleman! He opened doors and allowed me to enter first, paid for everything, and was even willing to meet my "safety net" of Brenda and David enjoying desert in a nearby booth. Just an overall great guy! (which completely fit my expectation of him based on our previous conversations)
Only one problem; I was a nervous wreck all night! My generally outgoing nature flew right out the window and I felt completely tongue tied and could barely meet his eyes (which were very nice; possibly another cause for my nerves :o). The point of meeting someone face to face is to determine chemistry. Just because two people can talk for hours, they may find no attraction to each other on a physical level... I get that completely, however, I had hoped that I'd be able to put my best foot forward and be able to converse comfortably. Instead my stomach was in knots and I kept trying to keep my foot out of my mouth... It was a nice evening but at the end of the night, I don't think either of us was sure what the other one was thinking regarding chemistry :o(
I guess I'll just call it "first date jitters." We'll see what happens from here... Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Amber Can Cook

When talking to a friend the other night, he seemed surprised that I could cook. Not a big deal to me but a very big deal to him. By asking a few simple questions, I discovered that he'd grown up in a home where Sunday was the only day he got a home-cooked meal. I can't even fathom that...
Our conversation made me realize how spoiled I've been that, not only did I have entrees prepared from scratch, I had a family meal nearly nightly. Sure my siblings and I bickered over who sat where and who got the "pretty fork," but really, the time that we were able to spend at the dinner table was precious. We discussed our daily adventures, spent a little time confessing, shared our hopes and dreams, and talked about scripture and faith. It was a time where we were free to discuss anything and everything without concern over whether it was "proper" or the time limit.
Through our nightly conversation time, I learned who my family really was, the good and the bad. I can't imagine missing that during my childhood!! What a blessing to have the ability to be free to talk and share a meal with family. I never realized how rare a treat it was...
As Mother's Day has passed and Father's Day is quickly approaching, it's a great time to reflect on the priorities that one's parents have maintained. To my parents, communication and conversation was important, not only in their relationship, but also within our entire family unit. For that I will forever be grateful...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The joy and sorrow of a cousin's marriage

Yesterday, my cousin Lexi married the man she loves, Jesse Stamper. The wedding was beautiful, the bride gorgeous in her white gown, and the reception a time to look around and appreciate the blessing of family (and what a large and boistrous family I have...)

Following the reception, we gathered around to wish the couple well and squeeze in one last hug. As I stood looking around at my cousins, aunts, and uncles waiting for a moment of Lexi and Jesse's attention, I realized that in one sense we were saying goodbye. This morning there will be a family brunch, and then Lexi will be moving to Kentucky with her new husband (following their honeymoon in the Smokies). Of course we'll see her again; but her family will be established in Kentucky and that is where it will grow. We will share her joys and sorrows from a distance, over phone and email, rather than through a hug or a visit. Watching her walk down the aisle gave us cause for celebration, however, wishing her a safe journey causes us to pause in sadness. While leaving and cleaving is what God intended, it's not always easy.

I wish you well Lexi (and Jesse)... Don't forget where home once was. We'll miss you!