This was one of those things that goes around that you fill out and pass on. I posted it to my facebook like everyone else but then I got to thinking that, since I hadn't posted anything to my blog since last September, I could take the easy route and repost it here. Yay me for being a genious slacker :)
This started as a list of 25 random things about myself. Because there are far more random things about me than normal things, I've started with 25 but I'm going to continue adding to the list as it suits me. Enjoy and check back often.
1. I don’t like hearts. I think I used to but it changed when mine was broken… probably a weird bitterness toward the symbol.
2. I usually chew my nails when I read. I don’t know why because I can’t stand chewing my nails.
3. I love using big words but, while I know how to use them, I usually can’t give people a clear definition of what they mean.
4. I feel guilty for being selfish - all the time. I do things I don’t want to because I don’t want other people to feel bad because I’ve said no. On the flip side, I don’t do things that I enjoy because I don’t want people to feel obligated to do them with me. Because of this trait, I think I gravitate toward selfish people.
5. I love to stand in the coffee aisle in grocery stores and inhale… someday someone will catch on and they’ll kick me out.
6. I would love to dance like a professional dancer like one of Brittney’s crew or someone from River Dance but in reality I have two very grounded left feet and I probably look like an ox when I dance.
7. I’ve always loved bright colored clothes. When I was little, I idolized Rainbow Bright and Punky Brewster and tried to dress like them. I eventually moved on to tie dye, and now I’m on a colored scarf, colored heel, colored headband kick. I have random bursts of color all over in my closet.
8. I hold microphones with my fingertips because I get so nervous being in front of people that my palms sweat. I also alternate hands so I can wipe off the clamminess and keep my hands from cramping.
9. I do my best thinking in the shower.
10. I don’t like being the center of attention. I would much rather stand in the back of a group or do things anonymously. I’d rather hide in a crowd than have someone notice me. That’s me being shy I guess.
11. If I could bring people back from the dead (not in the creepy way), I’d bring back the people I loved and lost rather than those I never had a chance to know. For instance, I never knew either of my grandfathers but I’d rather have my grandmother and a few of my friends back. Not to say I wouldn’t want to know them though… kind of hard to explain.
12. I have bruised myself many times with the lights out. When I flip the switch, I randomly close my eyes too and then I trip over and bump into things. I have to mentally force myself to keep my eyes open.
13. When I was 10, I tripped while playing basketball with my brother in a parking lot and I slid on the asphalt on my face. I think I’m the only one who sees the scar.
14. I love to organize; events, people, rooms, things, budgets, etc.
15. I can’t stand a dirty house or clutter but I have specific things that I’ll let sit for a week before taking care of them. 1) I always have a pile of shoes at my door because each day and event requires a different pair and I don’t tend to put any of them away until Saturday. 2) dishes in the sink.
16. When I was a little girl, I’d organize my crayons so the blue and red were on either side of the pink and purple crayons to protect them from the other ugly colors.
17. I hated my adult teeth since they started to come in but I was 21 before I finally got braces.
18. I love having deep conversations with people but I’m always at a loss on how to start them.
19. I love watching kids grow from selfish, flighty, gangly, uncoordinated, smelly 6th graders to attractive seniors who graduate with honors and have a goal for their life and a heart for other people. More importantly, I love watching their relationships with Christ blossom as He slowly reveals himself to them.
20. My favorite way to get exercise is to work hard on something productive; like construction.
21. I have an irrational fear of peel and pop biscuit cans. When I had roommates, I’d wait until they got home so they could open the cans for me. Now I just peel ‘em with my eyes tightly closed, wrap them in a towel, and throw them on the floor till they pop open.
22. I often express myself better in song lyrics and movie quotes than my own words.
23. I talk to my best friend on the phone nearly every day. My favorite conversations are in the morning when neither of us is frustrated yet by things that have irritated us during the day. For some reason, we’re more open with each other during those conversations. The day just isn’t right until I’ve talked to Brenda; she’s like my other half.
24. I had gasoline splashed in my eye when I was 7.
25. My greatest fear is that those I love will never understand the difference between believing in God and having a relationship with Christ. My fear of having my heart broken again runs a close second.
26. I hate yogurt but I eat it for my health... Or try anyway. Sometimes I'll stock up and it'll go bad before I eat it.
27. I have a routine with taco preparation and its totally Phil Mouthaan's fault. Sour cream first because it gives the cheese, which comes next, something to stick to. Warm meat and beans follow, to melt the cheese. Salsa, then lettuce, otherwise the salsa slides right off the lettuce. Jalepeno's last. Nothing else. Doggone logical math majors - makes my OCD seem tame :) Ha ha - now you'll think of this post next time you make a taco. Let me know if you've been converted.
28. The only bone I've ever broken was my collar bone because Steph pushed me off a slide when I was 3.
29. I started getting grey hair at 20.
30. When I get the flu, I always wake up with one of two awful dreams, letting me know I'm about to wretch. Pleasant, I know.
31. I don't particularly care for animated movies; classics being the exception.
32. I have little ears. I think they're from my mom.
33. I am very patriotic. More so since 9/11 but I think I've always been.
34. My siblings still consider me an expert at fort building but my nieces and nephews are the only ones who get to see it first hand.
35. I have my belly button pierced. Brenda and I did it together for our birthday when we were just leaving our teens. She let hers go when she was pregnant for Parker but I've still got mine. Its not at all as attractive as it was when I did it though. Not quite sure why I still have it either - guess I'm just overly sentimental.
36. I'm actually very picky about food but I was raised well so I'll eat just about anything put in front of me. Way to go mom, bet you wish I'd have developed that skill a little sooner.
It's Been Forever......
7 years ago