Monday, July 17, 2006

James 1:2-6

Canada was amazing! Amazing scenery, amazing work-out, amazing relationships built, amazing meals (on that, I'm lying through my teeth), and an overall amazing experience with my family of fellow believers. I really got to know the Sr High youth group and it was incredible to see the way God was working in their lives during the week. The teens were not the only ones changed by the wilderness of Canada though; God opened my eyes as well.
Prior to leaving for Canada, we were given "conversation cards" meant to help build relationships between the trip goers. The card was punched and tied to a string that we hung around our neck all week. On one side was numerous questions intended to be conversation starters. On the opposite side was our verse for the week, 1 Peter 5:6-11. Reading 1 Peter caused me to reflect on many different shortcomings in my life, however, it is the verse that was given to us on Monday, 1 James 1:2-6, that continues to strengthen and encourage me.
The verse speaks about persevering through trials. When I signed up to go to Canada, I felt really burdened over a lot of personal issues. Once I made the decision to go, I was excited about the hiking and the canoeing but I was really looking forward to spending time in God's creation without the distractions that my everyday world had to offer. I needed the break! I needed to be refreshed and I really needed to pray for the things weighing my heart down. Beyond the personal issues (that I won't get into), I was having what I considered a serious spiritual struggle. For a time, I'd been feeling that my relationship with Christ was growing "stale." Not in the sense that I was bored, but rather, I wasn't seeing the spiritual growth and maturation that I'd seen in the past. I felt like I was just kind of on hold with Christ, waiting... (not exactly my cup of tea). When I began reading James, I began to reflect on all of the trials of the trip but also the trials of life that I was carrying along with me. In my list, I included my frustration with my seeming lack of spiritual growth. As I contemplated the verse, I realized that it too was a trial that I must perseverance through. It changed my whole perspective!
Wednesday, we had "solo day." A day completely devoted to worshiping Christ; reading, praying, journaling (maybe some crying :o). It was a day of fasting as well. When I left the area I had selected to spend my day in, I felt so refreshed spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I'd spent the time giving my burdens to the Lord and it felt great! I'm not saying I grabbed my rose colored glasses again but I did place my trust back in Him.
Anyway, Canada 06 was an incredible experience. It was more physically challenging than the previous trip I'd made but that just adds to the experience in my book. I also came home with new friends and a couple of new "adoptive" younger brothers. Plus, I now have a great tan and I've lost another 10 lbs. What more could a girl ask for?

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