Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Hello all,

I haven't posted in awhile... Sorry. I've been under an enormous amount of stress. ... For me anyway. It's amazing how so many different areas of my life can become frustrating all at one time. Or is it just that one thing is off so the rest seem worse? Who knows...

The thing that's been the most challenging is work... I spend most of my time there, after all. I used to really enjoy my job and now I'm questioning whether it's time to move on. The work is the same; I'm still balancing dispatch, clerical, and office management responsibilities for Paradigm and Stadium Savers. I've developed great relationships with most of my vendors and have earned the respect of many of our installers. I get a rush figuring out how to get material across the border effectively and giving a late driver what for, and its a great feeling knowing the product so well that I can handle sales calls without disturbing my bosses. Within the front office though, my support system has fallen apart. Rather than having someone communicate with me, back me up, and jump to challenges when needed, I feel like my team is working against me rather than with me. I've tried to step back from the situation in order to find a solution to the problem, and I've come up with a few ideas, but I feel like ultimately I'm hitting a brick wall. Is the Lord trying to tell me to step out of my comfort zone and leave or am I looking for an easy way out of a seemingly endless battle? Am I really to leave a secure job that I love because of an immature woman with an oversized ego? These are the questions I'm trying to answer...

Like I said, this is the biggest of my stresses right now. Some of the others are too close to the heart to comment on here so I'll save those for my offline journal. Your prayers for all of it would be appreciated though. When I read the scripture about perservering through trials, I never imagined it may be a forewarning. Either way, like most, there are trials I am going through. Prayers for strength and wisdom are always appreciated.

Much Love,