Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's been awhile

Wow! It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Sorry to those of you who've been waiting soooo long. I'd try to recap what's happened over the last few months but there's simply not enough time. I'll try and pick away at it with each new post.
For now I will say this; God continues to amaze me each day. Over the last few months, he's opened my eyes in so many ways. So many times, I find that after I've weathered the storm, he makes it clear why it was necessary. He's not testing me, as I so naively believed as a child, but rather using these experiences to refine me. Each challenge I face, every obstacle I must push through, causes me to be a truer reflection of Christ.
Time's awasting so I'll leave you with this revelation that God has used to change my life most recently. I have a relationship with Christ. He gives my life meaning and is my purpose. However, when I accepted Christ, I did not take on his perfection. In the body of Christ, we are not false Christians when we sin. We are not unstable in our faith when we sin. We are simply sinners, needing Christ to give us strength when we are weak. Christ's sacrifice on the cross should not be taken lightly, as justification for us to sin, but we should also remember that Christ's perfection is what allows us to know him as 'Savior'.