Thursday, August 19, 2010

Update on Life

The weather is changing, the leaves are falling, fresh MI apples are available everywhere you look - all signs that another summer is quickly ending.  Its been a classic summer of craziness for me but I've also had a chance to take some time for rest too.  As summer comes to a close, I want to spend a little time sharing a few of the highlights (photos too) of my summer.

In early June dad and I were finally able to finish my desk and I started putting it to use.  Whereas my office used to appear a hodge-podge of things without a home in my house, the new desk creates a center to the room.  I now have a workspace and more storage for my projects.  The other half of the room is now where I exercise.  I got great deals on a few pieces of equipment but the majority of the space is open for doing my Jillian Michaels and P90X workouts.  I'm finding that I am much more motivated to exercise and work on projects now that I have an efficient space for those purposes. 

Late June found me in Alabama, truly visiting the South for the first time.  My aunt Susie needed to get away and just drive so we agreed to meet down in Mobile and spend a week in the area.  It was the first personal vacation I'd taken since HI three years ago and I really enjoyed the time of rest and relaxation.  The highlight of the trip was getting to know my aunt better.  As long as I can remember, she's lived states away and this trip gave us plenty of one on one to get to know each other.  She is an amazing lady and I was surprised each day by how much we have in common.  Our goal was to go snorkeling but the oil in the coast and hurricane Alex forced us to change our plans to include more history than beaches.  Regardless, we enjoyed our time together and never lacked for something to do.  It was hard to part at the end of the week but we both agreed that there will be more joint trips in our future. On the way home from AL, I stopped in Louisville to visit the Fishers.  We had a great fourth of July together with friends and family.  It was good to catch up and see first hand how well taken care of they are down there.

The first week in August I made my third trek to Canada with the Rhiza teens.  As with before, what an adventure!  This trip followed a similar route as the last one (inclusive of the Trail of Tears) but was much more intense due to the weather.  Whereas in the past, we've had great traveling weather and horrible bug problems, this trip was a total reversal.  When it wasn't raining, the wind was intense.  There was one day that my canoe nearly capsized a couple of times.  At one point, I was feverishly bailing water with a dinner cup while Austin Armstrong and Tyler Buckner rowed for all were worth to get us safely across McIntosh Lake.  Yikes!  Wind, weather, routes, and treasure chests aside, it was an amazing trip.  God has blessed our youth group with solid leaders this year.  I would be remiss in saying that there are not students that live on the edge so much that my heart aches when I lift them up in prayer each week.  I'm learning that the ache is a reminder that God has placed them in my life for a reason

I guess that's all for updates for now.  I'll keep you posted on anything else new and exciting that happens in my life.

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