Thursday, February 25, 2010

State of the Union

Its been over a month since I posted. Not for lack of anything happening, just rather a lack of time. I'll get right to work correcting that and also try to summarize where things stand in a few areas. Please forgive the lack of feeling that may seem apparent in my post. I'm finding its easier to state facts than dwell on the emotional end of things and what the facts represent.

Dad had his pic line removed on 2/12. Last I knew, mom had decided to keep the line for a momento. Sort of a badge of honor. He's knee deep in physical therapy and things are going well. He's made it very clear to his therapist that his goal is to be back on the bike come April. We shall see...

We received an update from my mom's sister in regard to Skip's health. While he's still able to recognize people, Skip is losing his ability to do every day things and is now requiring more and more assistance. I will be headed south this weekend to visit my mom's family and will update my prayer request for him (and the family) accordingly upon my return. Pray for safe travel for myself and an escape for my aunt as we enjoy each other's company for a few days.

Uncle Chuck is now a patient at Cancer Research Centers of America. He and my aunt and grandmother have been bouncing back and forth between the Springs and Tulsa for the last couple of weeks. The family gets an update nearly every day because as soon as the update is sent, something changes, and another update is necessary.

The first week he was there, Chuck was told he had the worst case of liver cancer they'd ever seen and he was advised to go home and make himself comfortable. The following morning he was told that they'd decided to face the challenge and would like to try him on a different type of more aggressive chemo; one that has been somewhat successfully used to treat colon cancer. He was told he had a 30% chance he wouldn't make it. He started on that immediately.

Last Friday he had surgery so they could put a stint into his bile duct to get the chemo into his body in a more direct manner. Monday they discovered that Chuck has a blood infection and pneumonia. He was given a 60% chance to survive. It was a rough night and we were informed Tuesday morning that we nearly lost Chuck at about 10 PM Monday night. Tuesday morning there was concern that his organs were beginning to shut down. He has been steadily improving since then though and the organs are functioning better now.

Below is the latest and greatest from my aunt, sent Tuesday afternoon:
"Things change so fast here that by the time I'm reading the replies from my update it's all old news. As I said the surgery on Friday went well and Chuck was feeling pretty good on Saturday. Sunday brought a whole new speed bump and Monday night was even worse. Sunday morning Chuck was too weak to move. I had to call the nurses and have them come and get him. They admitted him back into the hospital. He has an Ecoli bacteria in his blood and it has spread throughout his body making him weak and unable to swallow. He can't have any food or liquids because it goes to his lungs. Monday he seemed to be doing better. Was awake a lot of the time and was able to talk somewhat considering his mouth and throat were so very dry.

Monday evening about 10pm his body went into shock, his blood pressure dropped and his heart rate was extremely erratic jumping from 150 to 200, up and down, and I may be wrong but I was under the impression normal heart rate should be about 90 or so. They moved him back to ICU and the doctor said he may not make it over 24 hours. I called the kids and they left Colorado at 1am and arrived here at a little after noon today. My sister-in-law will be arriving at 10:20 tonight to help keep me from completely falling apart. She is a rock and I really need that right now.

Today he is doing better, but is asleep most of the time. He wakes up for just minutes and then back to sleep. He is extremely weak, still can not shallow, so is still not allowed to have anything by mouth. All of his medications and nourishment is going thru his IV or by shots. They found he has pneumonia in the bottom of his right lung, his liver is extremely swollen and is causing him pain.

Right now we are just trying to get him well enough to get him home. The chemo is put on hold indefinitely until we can get him over all this other stuff. I have no idea when we will be back home, for how long, or when I will be able to get back to work.

Thank you yet again for all the thoughts and prayers and help. Love and prayers to all. Chuck and Susie"

Please continue to join my family in prayer for these situations.

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