Monday, June 19, 2006

First Date Jitters...

So cluing many of you in... In March I met this great guy online. After emailing for several weeks and spending countless hours on the phone, we decided to meet face to face. Last night we had our first "date"... A scary concept at first :o)
Anyway, what a gentleman! He opened doors and allowed me to enter first, paid for everything, and was even willing to meet my "safety net" of Brenda and David enjoying desert in a nearby booth. Just an overall great guy! (which completely fit my expectation of him based on our previous conversations)
Only one problem; I was a nervous wreck all night! My generally outgoing nature flew right out the window and I felt completely tongue tied and could barely meet his eyes (which were very nice; possibly another cause for my nerves :o). The point of meeting someone face to face is to determine chemistry. Just because two people can talk for hours, they may find no attraction to each other on a physical level... I get that completely, however, I had hoped that I'd be able to put my best foot forward and be able to converse comfortably. Instead my stomach was in knots and I kept trying to keep my foot out of my mouth... It was a nice evening but at the end of the night, I don't think either of us was sure what the other one was thinking regarding chemistry :o(
I guess I'll just call it "first date jitters." We'll see what happens from here... Wish me luck!

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