Tuesday, June 27, 2006

First Date - Update

For all of those who are curious... I haven't heard from my "online friend" since the date. In my mind, it sends a pretty clear message. Considering our hours of prior communication, it would be very courteous of him to at least call.
Regardless of my disappointment over the fact that the relationship didn't continue, my life has been changed by our friendship. He helped me to see what a selfless man my age behaves like. Getting to know him also helped me to realize that there are men who share my interests, my passions, and also similar insecurities. In fact, most people walk around "broken" in some way and it is through those imperfections that God connects us on a deeper level.
As far as first dates go; my advice to all is 1) immediately plan a second date if you're even somewhat interested in the person. If your nerves do get in the way of the first date, hopefully by the second date you'll be a little more comfortable. 2) Pick something fun that you both enjoy. It may have helped to keep things casual/natural and alleviated some of the nervous energy. We should have gone fishing...
Although my communication with this particular person is seemingly over, good has come from the experience. No regrets! Just a stepping stone in the path of life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I want you to know that I love you!! There's a man out there just just aching to find you as much as you are to find him, and when you do, I will be there to celebrate with you. You deserve the best. Keep your head high and enjoy every extra moment you're given! Again, I LOVE YOU!!

Leah Brianne