Monday, December 28, 2009

2nd Longest Day in Turner History

Most of this was copied from my email... I'm running low on the emotional strength required to put together a blog so I'm sure I'll change a few things later.

As many of you know, our family went through one of the longest days in our lives (second only to the day of his bike accident). Knowing our body of believers was praying brought to mind the words of Paul in Philippians 1:3-6. I do thank God for you!!

Expectedly so, our family was on the phone hit and miss all day yesterday trying to get information relayed. As of 9:30 this morning, I believe I have the full story to date. For those that didn't know, following dad's rotator cuff surgery on the 18th, Wednesday mom and dad left for Colorado Springs to visit my uncle (with terminal liver cancer) and my aunt (my dad's sister).

The trip was going fine until Saturday night when dad started to develop some pain and a fever. At about 1 AM dad was admitted into the Penrose hospital in Colorado Springs with a staph infection in the incision and he was placed on strong antibiotics. The hope was that the antibiotics would kick in and dad could be stabilized enough to travel back home to see his surgeon. Mom called the rest of the family at about 10:00 to let us know what was going on. Later in the morning, they found a second infection in the joint itself. The joint infection was much more critical and my mom was informed that if they were unable to clear the infection out, dad would lose his right arm. Due to dad's very limited usage of his left arm following the motorcycle accident a few years ago, we were alarmed for good reason.

Before the surgery, dad (who has a very high pain tolerance) was in a significant amount of pain and had a fever of 105.3° He was in surgery for about an hour and a half. They took a culture of the infection for further testing and then flushed the joint with 8 liters of sterile water to eliminate the infection. He is now on a broad spectrum antibiotic but in a couple of days they will get the results of the culture and know exactly what antibiotics he will need to fight this particular staph infection.

The surgery was successful and the infection and fever are under control. He's was still in a great amount of pain last night and was given a pain pump to get the pain under control. As of this morning, he still has the pain pump but hasn't needed to use it. I was able to have a conversation with dad last night through mom and then he called me himself this morning, so the high fever doesn't seem to have done any damage to his brain. (I can't describe the relief in hearing his voice following this.) For at least the next three days dad will remain at Penrose and will be closely monitored to determine whether a second flushing of the joint will be necessary. Our hope is that this will not be necessary and that near the end of the week mom and dad can begin the journey home.

Please continue to pray as he is not fully out of the woods. Its also very difficult for my siblings and I to be so very far away from our parents as we go through this as a family. I'm currently looking into the feasibility of flying to CO to help my mom drive home so prayers for cheap flights, safe travel, and cooperative weather, would be appreciated too.

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