Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Update 2 on Dad

11:30 (MI) I just got off the phone with mom. Dad's ultrasound confirmed that the new issues that developed last night were in fact due to an inflamed gall bladder. The general surgeon should be in sometime within the next couple of hours to discuss dad's options. If the doctor advises him to keep the gall bladder, we need to make sure that potential for further inflammation, pain, and fever is eliminated prior to the trip home. If removal is necessary, we need to determine how long we should wait before making the trip home.

Additionally, the infectious disease doctor came in this morning to meet with dad. He looked at the shoulder and gave dad the "all clear." They will be setting dad up with a pic line so we can give him his antibiotics intravenously on the road. He indicated that if it were dependent on just the shoulder, he could head home tomorrow. While meeting with my parents, the Dr apologized that he was just now getting involved in dad's case. Apparently there was a lack of communication and he'd only just heard about dad this morning.

As to travel plans, we are again looking at me flying there tomorrow afternoon to help mom drive back. The big question marks right now are 1) when will dad be released, 2) when will he be approved for travel, and 3) will he be taking his gall bladder back to MI with him. Our hope is that following the meeting with the general surgeon, we will have answers to all of these questions and we can start taking steps towards getting him home.

Lets keep praying and get him home ~ Ae

1 comment:

R.M.Gilbert said...

Hope he is able to make the trip fully intact. Prayers are with you and the family. That when this is finished you will all travel safely.