Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed - Update 6 on Dad

Dad had his first dose of the bacteria specific antibiotic through his pic line this morning before leaving the hospital. Everything went well and his body is still responding well. No further gall bladder issues either. He shook Dr Redfern's hand and thanked him before checking out of Penrose.

After a a short delay in Grand Rapids, I made it out of the mad house known as O'Hare on time. The flights were rather uneventful; just the way I like them. Met an interesting fellow on the flight from Chi-town to CO. I think he was a few years younger than me but he seemed an old soul. He offered me chocolate, books of poetry, even a peek at the journal he was writing in. I declined all of the above, especially the poetry and journal. Decided I didn't want to know if in fact he was a youthful creeper. He was good enough to assure me that I hadn't snored while sleeping on the flight. Good to know! Seriously, he was a good guy. Very kind and considerate and hates take off and landing just as much as I do. I wish him well.

Big hugs from mom and aunt Susie upon arrival and then we were off. After a trip to Walgreens for drugs for dad, we headed to the Kellogg's. Dad met us at the door. It was great to put my eyes on him! I'd intended to take and post pics but my camera has pooped out so you'll just have to take my word regarding his health. He looks good and his temperature is normal each time we check it. Little dirt on dad; ask him what his temperature was when he checked it while mom and Susie were out to pick me up. If he fibs and tells you it checked out okay, ask why it was 95.4 :) Poor man is exceptionally reliant on other people right now.

Praises - Safe travel and uneventful flights. Dad is looking good. We'll all be getting a full night's sleep tonight.
Prayers - Uncle Chuck has a chemo appt at 10 tomorrow. Mom and I have drug administration training at 11 tomorrow.

My body has decided to start the process of acclimating to the time difference and altitude by giving me a killer headache and everyone here has 3 nights of little sleep to make up for so we're headed to bed shortly. That being said, I'm signing off ~ Ae

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