Thursday, January 19, 2006


A friend recently asked me what forever meant. Specifically, he was questioning whether it was a subjective term used by females. After much consideration, I gave him an answer. Because I spent so much time thinking about it, I thought I'd post an edited version of my response. To this friend (you know who you are), I hope that you find a satisfying answer to your question...

From my perspective, the use of the word forever does depend on the circumstance. While I don't believe that this is a gender specific issue, I have noticed that the softer sex is more open to using this type of word. However, when "forever" is used carelessly by either sex, it doesn't retain the same meaning as when it's used with careful consideration.

Ultimately, the only thing that is guaranteed forever is God. Humans are weak and sinful creatures and often our forever only stretches as far as our earthly concept of the word. Because of this, things that were intended to be 'forever' (i.e. life, love, patience, kindness, etc.) have deadlines caused by sin. When those things expire, pain is an unavoidable result.

Keep this thought in mind as you decide whether to focus the majority of your time in things that may not last forever...

Psalm 102:27
"You are always the same, your years never end.”

Today's song... "I am" - Mark Schultz
“The author and perfecter, beginning and the end, I am”

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